Wednesday 4 April 2018

Father reunited with his missing daughter after 24 years of searching

Our parents are our own personal heroes. They would everything for their children no matter what the costs and odds are. Sometimes, this means asking for a miracle.

Yesterday, China rejoiced together with a father named Wang Mingqing and his family when they reunited with their long-lost daughter after 24 years in what seems to be a miraculous meeting.

Wang and his wife’s little Wang Qifeng went missing in 1994. At that time, the couple was busy managing their side-street fruit stall in Chengdung. In the midst of the hustle and bustle, the couple noticed that Qifeng was gone. They had a terrible feeling that she might have been kidnapped as such cases were rampant in China.

Wang did everything in his power to find his kid. But the police was unable to find any leads. This did not stop him from looking for his daughter. Three years ago, Wang became a taxi driver for Didi Chuxing, a taxi company. He used his job to hand-out calling cards and flyers to over 5,000 passengers in hopes of finding her lost daughter.

In 2017, Wang’s desperate search went viral. Wang had young women claiming to be his daughter. However, most of the DNA results were negative.

One day, a police officer came up to Wang asking for a sketch of what her daughter might possily look like. The portrait hit social media and had called the attention of a look-alike, Kang Ying, a 27-year-old mother.

After some tests, it was revealed that Kang Yin’s DNA results matched Wang’s.

It did not take long before a dramatic reunion ensued. In the viral footage of the reconciliation, Wang and his daughter can be seen bursting into tears as they reunited for the first time in many years.

Father reunited with his missing daughter after 24 years of searching

Our parents are our own personal heroes. They would everything for their children no matter what the costs and odds are. Sometimes, this m...